Herd of cows in a field

ANR Veg&Lait Project

The VEG&LAIT project aims to co-construct a sector of mixed desserts based on milk and legumes, produced and processed in a short distribution chain to reconcile autonomy, taste and nutritional qualities, environmental protection and a close relationship with consumers. This multi-disciplinary project, coordinated by STLO, draws on the skills of the UMR Agronomie, CSGA and SECALIM, the UR ETTIS, the Invitation à la Ferme network of dairy farms, the processor Valorex, a specialist in the nutritional potential of oilseeds and protein crops, the Terres Inovia technical institute and the LEGGO association (LEGumineuses à Graines du Grand Ouest) supported by the Chambre d'Agriculture de Bretagne.

In France, dairy production and processing account for around 6% of greenhouse gas emissions, all activities combined and excluding carbon storage. However, because of the nutritional performance of milk, the benefits of grasslands and hedgerows, and the importance of livestock farming, they also represent a major reservoir of socio-technical innovations for adapting our food systems to climate change. In this context, the introduction of legumes is an opportunity for resilience at all levels of the dairy industry, if it is designed in a sufficiently integrated way to avoid competition between animal and plant. Mixed milk-legume products can support consumers who want to reduce their environmental footprint without compromising their taste or nutritional expectations.

4 open yoghurt or cream dessert pots, with a spoon on top of each one
© STLO - Blandine Renault

Our partners

VEG&LAIT began in March 2024 and will run for 5 years. Five INRAE units are involved (Agronomy, CSGA, ETTIS, SECALIM and STLO) with Invitation à la Ferme, Terres Inovia and Valorex, and the support of the LEGGO Association. It is coordinated by Fanny Guyomarc'h, research engineer in the PSF team.

Contact: fanny.guyomarc-h@inrae.fr

More information: https://anr.fr/ProjetIA-23-PLEG-0006

This work was supported by a French government grant managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the France 2030 program, reference

Agence Nationale de la Recherche logo, and French flag with the motto of France underneath.

In this folder

Logo Veg&Lait

Blandine Renault and Maïté de Sainte-Agathe, PhD students at UMR Agronomie, and Gabrielle Jagorel, contract research engineer at UMR STLO, joined the VEG&LAIT project consortium in September 2024. They are working respectively on the integration of pulses into dairy production systems, and on the use of flours or concentrates from such crops in innovative recipes. Over the past few months, they have been able to take part in training courses and workshops on the Invitation à la Ferme network farms involved in the project.

Logo Veg&Lait

On May 29, 2024, the kick-off meeting for the Veg&Lait ANR project, led by STLO, was held. Veg&Lait's ambition is to combine legumes and milk, on farms and on plates, for a more sustainable diet. The 4-year Veg&Lait project is coordinated by Fanny Guyomarc'h, Research Engineer at STLO (PSF team), and involves 9 partners.