Financial support

Financial support

UMR STLO's overall budget is around €9 million.

The salaries of permanent staff (6.5 M€) are financed by INRAE and the Institut Agro Rennes.Angers through their supervisory ministries: Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

Experimental costs (2.5 M€) come from both public funds, via local authorities, national structures and Europe, and private funds, via numerous collaborations with French and foreign companies.

As part of the CPER 2014-2020, Milk Valley 2019 - EU 001054 , UMR STLO has received financial support from the ERDF (European Regional Economic Development Fund), the Brittany Region and the Conseil Départemental 35 for the acquisition of new state-of-the-art scientific equipments.

We are deeply indebted to all these partners who have confidence in us and our research.

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Logo of Ille-et-vilaine department
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Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 24 April 2023 | By: stlo