Our objectives
Our molecules of choice are proteins and we are also interested in their interactions with other types of molecules.
Our research focuses on :
- molecular determinants and mechanisms of supramolecular assembly and phase separation ;
- The properties (interactions, osmotic pressure, reversibility, stability, sol-gel transition, etc.) of concentrated colloidal systems used in various unit operations such as filtration, concentration by evaporation or drying;
- links between operating variables (process - product) and the performance of food processes;
- optimisation of the design, control and sequence of unitary processing operations, and assessment of the corresponding environmental impacts.
Our Strategy
Our generic and mechanistic research questions are enriched and fed by technological issues and are tackled by developing our studies at different scales, from the molecular to the macroscopic one, and by alternating model and real systems, so as to:
- explore the main molecular and supramolecular mechanisms (interactions, assemblies, phase separation) behind the macroscopic behaviour of food proteins;
- identify, quantify and model the physico-chemical mechanisms involved in the state transitions undergone by dairy matrices during concentration and 'deconcentration' operations;
- decouple the unit operations of a dairy and cheese technological route in order to control and optimise the properties of these matrices;
- develop approaches to help the design and the conception of processes using multi-criteria approaches;
- capitalise on this knowledge, using a predictive approach, for processes that reconcile performance, environmental impacts and product quality.
Our expertise
The team's disciplinary skills are:
- Process engineering
- biochemistry and physical chemistry
- rheology
- soft matter physics applied to food matrices
- dairy science and technology.
Our team
Technicians/Assistant engineers : Françoise BOISSEL, Valérie BRIARD-BION, Thomas CANIQUIT, Jean-Jacques DUBOIS, Anne DOLIVET, Pascaline HAMON, Fabienne LAMBROUIN, Nadine LECONTE, Pascal LECOUILLARD, Arlette LEDUC
Engineers : Gilles GARRIC, Emeline GOUSSÉ, Fanny GUYOMARC’H, Mélanie MUNCH, Florence ROUSSEAU, Gaëlle TANGUY, Anny VIVAS-ABRIL
Our PhD and post-doctoral students
- VAKERI Asna (PhD)-Supervision: Renard Denis (INRAE-BIA), BOIRE Adeline (INRAE-BIA), BOUHALLAB Saïd, BOUCHOUX Antoine (TBI). Start of PhD: 2022. Understanding the competition between aggregation and coacervation phenomena in protein/polysaccharide and synthetic polyelectrolyte/polysaccharide systems.
- GROSTETE Margot (PhD)-Supervision: LANOTTE Luca/JEANTET Romain. Start of PhD: 2022. Poster: Understanding the fouling mechanisms in evaporators...
- PERRIGNON Manon (PhD)-Supervision: CROGUENNEC Thomas/JEANTET Romain. Start of PhD: 2022. Poster : Statistical approach for the optimization of dairy industrial...
- JUSTE Erik (PhD)-Supervision: CROGUENNEC Thomas/NEVEU Marie/LEE Jeehyun. Start of PhD: 2023. Poster: How whey protein aggregates interfer on milk enzymatic and acid gelation?
- RABESOLONIRINA Tanjona (PhD)-Supervision: LE FLOCH-FOUERE Cécile. Start of PhD: 2024. "How do the surface conditions of moulds and curds affect adhesion during cheese production?
- OUYANG Rui (PhD)-Supervision: LE FLOCH-FOUERE Cécile/LANOTTE Luca. Start of PhD: 2024. "Multi-scale exploration of the drying dynamics of dairy colloids and their rehydration (DRYMAP) Exploration of evaporation kinetics and modelling of stratification of dairy colloid mixtures during drying (DRYMAP)".
- NEVES CUNHA Carolina (PhD, march 2024 - june 2025): CAPES-COFECUB LacFree. Supervision: LEE Jeehyun/TANGUY Gaëlle.
- FRANCISQUINI Julia (Post-doc, dec. 2024 - june 2025): CAPES-COFECUB LacFree.
- JAGOREL Gabrielle (fixed term contract, 2024–2026): ANR Veg&Lait, Supervision: GUYOMARC’H Fanny.
- LE FOLL Rozenn (fixed term contract, 2024–2025): Calaccess, Supervision : DUPONT Didier/CROGUENNEC Thomas.
Our visiting professors
- TULER PERRONE Italo (2025), professsor, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (BRA), CAPES-COFECUB LacFree
- DE CARVALHO DA COSTA Juliana (nov. 2024 - march 2025), professor, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (BRA), CAPES-COFECUB LacFree
- MIKHAYLIN Sergey (feb. - april 2025), professor, Université Laval (CAN)
Our projects
VEG&LAIT: The VEG&LAIT project aims to co-construct a mini-sector of mixed desserts based on milk and legumes, produced and processed in local food networks to reconcile autonomy, taste and nutritional qualities, environmental preservation and maintaining a close link with consumers. It started in March 2024 and will go on for 5 years, supported by the ANR-23-PLEG-0006 grant from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche as part of the France 2030 investment plan. Five INRAE units are involved (Agronomy, CSGA, ETTIS, SECALIM and STLO) with Invitation à la Ferme, Terres Inovia and Valorex, and the support of the LEGGO Association.
EU-FAIRCHAIN (2020-2024): Towards a balanced distribution of value in the fruit, vegetable and dairy sectors. The project develops and implements technological, organisational and social innovations to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized actors in food value chains. The PSF team coordinates this project and is currently working on the development of an innovative drink based on fermented cheese whey. For more information, visit the project FAIRCHAIN website.
DIMEMPRO (2022-2025): Sizing strategy for optimising membrane process design. DIMEMPRO is a project funded by CARNOT QUALIMENT. It aims to develop a reasoned sizing methodology for membrane operations with a view to optimising the multi-criteria design of processes in the dairy sector.
FLait: Modelling the transmission of serum proteins during microfiltration of skimmed milk - Thesis co-funded by the INRAE-TRANSFORM department and the Brittany Region
STATPERF: A statistical approach to optimising business performance. This project studies the potential of artificial intelligence tools for optimising the overall performance (product quality, manufacturing yields, environmental impact, etc.) of the cheese-making process. Manon Perrignon's PhD. Funding: Institut Agro Fondation
TEX'AS: By what mechanisms do whey protein aggregates affect the coagulation properties of milk? This project studies the role of protein aggregates on the characteristics of milk gels and on gelling mechanisms. Erik Juste's PhD. Funding: CIFRE
ENTEVAP: Understanding the mechanisms of thermal fouling in falling-flow evaporators using a microfluidic and microscopic approach. The aim of the project is to put in place a miniaturisation strategy to characterise the constituents preferentially involved in the development of fouling, identify the process parameters with the most marked influence on the stages of deposit formation and, possibly, propose control methods to limit this phenomenon, which has very costly consequences for various sectors of food production. In this context, Margot Grostete's PhD, funded by ARED/TRANSFORM, focuses mainly on assessing the role of shear in the initiation and propagation of the phenomenon of milk protein deposition on surfaces with different properties (glass, steel) using rheometry and microfluidic tests coupled with microscopic observation.
ACCP3 : Competition between aggregation and complex coacervation phenomena in binary protein/polysaccharide/polyelectrolyte systems. In this PhD project, we are implementing a variety of oppositely charged (bio)macromolecules (colloids/polymers) in binary mixtures to better understand the kinetic and thermodynamic mechanisms that drive macroscopic phase separation either liquid-liquid (complex coacervation) or liquid-solid (aggregation). PhD supervised par D. Renard (INRAE BIA, Nantes) and co-funded by the INRAE-TRANSFORM department and the Pays de Loire Region