Job opportunities

Job opportunities at STLO !

Jobs, thesis, post-doctoral positions and internships at STLO

In this folder

Poste pourvu
MULTIDISCIPLINARY PH.D POSITION : Multi-scale exploration of the drying dynamics of dairy colloids and their rehydration
Poste pourvu
Objective: The aim of this thesis project is to gain knowledge on the ability of lactic and propionic acid bacteria to reduce the allergenicity of lupin proteins.
Poste pourvu
A PhD on "Interactions between faba bean proteins and polyphenols during gastrointestinal digestion" is now open!
Poste pourvu
Your mission: study the mechanisms of intra- and inter-species microbial interactions in a food context. You are interested in exploring food microbiota? You are passionate about bacteria-bacteria and bacteria-host interactions, involved in the design of good and healthy foods? So, join us!
Poste pourvu
Join STLO ! A position of young post-doctoral researcher as part of the PEPR (programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche) BBIT BACTER-EV-BOOSTER research program.
recruitment closed
A position of young post-doctoral researcher in food Microbiology is offered at STLO!
recruitment closed
A PhD thesis is offered in Microbiology !
recruitment closed
A position of young post-doctoral researcher in extracellular vesicles biology is offered at STLO!

Modification date: 29 January 2024 | Publication date: 05 May 2023 | By: STLO-smd