Essential oils in livestock: From health to milk quality

Essential oils (EOs) contributes to the growing number of applications of natural plants in livestock. Scientific data supporting the efficacy of EOs as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant molecules accumulates over time even if the cumulative evidence is not always sufficient.

Our laboratory participates to a European Prima project [1] that aims to enhance milk and dairy food quality and safety using selected EOs as antimicrobial substitute in the context of One Health approach.

In the frame of this project, we published a comprehensive review relating the main advantages of using EOs, whether encapsulated or not, as antibacterial alternatives in sustainable animal husbandry. The main discussed points concern:

  • Historical use of EOs
  • Extraction methods and chemical composition in various species of plants
  • Stability and encapsulation technologies of EOs
  • Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory (animal mastisis) and antioxidant properties of EOs
  • EOS in rumen fermentation and animal nutrition
essentail oils

Properties and benefits of essential oils




The increasing industrial use of plants makes the study of EOs crucial to design new bioactive delivery systems. Supplementing animal with EOs at early life opens new perspectives in nutrition sector. However, effective evaluation of their safety is required before extending their use to livestock and veterinary medicine.

[1] Milkqua, a Prima multidisciplinary project associating five partners from EU (France, Portugal, Spain, Italy) and five partners from Tunisia


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Ralph Nehme, Sonia Andrés, Renato Pereira, Meriem Jemaa, Said Bouhallab, Fabrizio Ceciliani, Secundino López, Fatma Zohra Rahali, Riadh Ksouri, David Pereira, Latifa Abdennebi-Najar (2021). Essential Oils in Livestock: From Health to Food Quality.  Antioxidants, 10 (2), 330.


Saïd Bouhallab


Modification date: 30 January 2023 | Publication date: 12 December 2022 | By: MH Famelart