Yaourt Milk-Lupin

Spotlight on fermented milk-lupin mixes!

In an article published by The Conversation and on INRAE's institutional website, Valérie Gagnaire, Research Director (Microbio Team), talks about the results of Fanny Canon's PhD and the avenues this work has opened up for STLO in the design of yogurt substitutes based on milk and legumes.

Faced with the dual need to reduce the environmental impact of animal products and to promote healthy, convenient and accessible food for the general public, the DeciBeLL thesis project led by Fanny Canon and supervised by Valérie Gagnaire (Research Director in the Microbio Team) took up the challenge of designing “yogurts” based on cow's milk and lupin. They took up the challenge of defining the most satisfying blends for the palate and the health of consumers by:

  • choosing the right milk/lupin ratio,
  • but also, and above all, by adopting an innovative approach to the design of bacterial consortia capable of providing several functions to the final product, from taste to digestive comfort, texture or the supply of micronutrients.


Yogurt and spoon containing milk and lupin yogurt
© Valérie Gagnaire

This work paved the way for many others within the “Milk-Egg-Vegetables” (LOVE) transversality, which has accompanied the emergence of the “mixed” food theme at STLO since 2017.

More information

Read the full article here


contact : Valérie Gagnaire valerie.gagnaire@inrae.fr