ANR Bifores

BIFORES: a project to rethink infant formulas

The ANR BIFORES project, coordinated by Sergine Even, Research Director in the Microbiology team at STLO, has just got underway! This multi-disciplinary project aims to rethink infant formula production by combining fermentation and “minimal processing” to simultaneously meet the challenges of health, safety and sustainability of these products.

Nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life is crucial to our health. However, infant formulas need to be improved to bring them closer to breast milk and its benefits. The ANR BIFORES project, whose partners are UMR NUMECAN, SECALIM, MEDIS and the BBA Milk Valley consortium, aims to rethink the infant formula manufacturing process, while meeting the health and environmental challenges of these products.

Agence Nationale de la Recherche logo, and French flag with the motto of France underneath.

Developing an innovative technological process

Researchers are developing an innovative approach combining fermentation with manufacturing processes such as microfiltration and minimal heat treatment. Fermentation provides a bacterial community and metabolites close to those found in human milk, and prolongs shelf life by providing a bioprotective flora against pathogens. In addition, the project aims to produce more “native” infant formulas based on the least processed ingredients possible, using microfiltration and limiting heating to preserve the naturalness of the constituents. This research will characterize the composition, structure and properties of these new formulas, followed by in vitro and in vivo evaluations to measure their nutritional and health benefits at intestinal and cerebral levels.

Eco-designed and biomimetic infant formulas

Finally, Biofores also aims to take into account the environmental impact of infant formula manufacturing. To improve these formulas, researchers are planning a multi-criteria assessment to find the best balance between biomimetics, health quality and environmental sustainability. The environmental aspect is central: consumers expect products to combine nutritional quality with respect for the environment. The aim of the BIFORES project is to limit the environmental cost of the manufacturing process, making it more energy and water efficient.

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The BIFORES project is the fruit of a partnership with the UMR STLO and NUMECAN, involving 23 scientists. Lasting 4 and a half years, it will be completed in June 2029, thanks to funding of 926,000 euros.

Contact: Sergine Even, UMR STLO,