Boissons fermentées
FAIRCHAIN-fermented drinks

New whey-based fermented drinks, developed and tasted as part of the European FAIRCHAIN project!

The partners in the FAIRCHAIN project have developed innovative fermented drinks based on whey and fruit (or vegetal) juices, and are planning to distribute them in returnable bottles. On 7 December, at a project progress meeting in Poligny (Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France), the drinks developed were tasted and thoroughly enjoyed!

The aim of the European FAIRCHAIN project is to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized producers and processors in the dairy and fruit and vegetable sectors. The case study, which takes place in France (Bourgogne Franche-Comte), aims to make better use of the whey produced by small cheese dairies. This whey, produced in small quantities and in geographically isolated areas, is often disposed of in wastewater treatment plants, sent to biodigestors or fed to animals.

The idea of the case study was to offer an innovative way of using cheese whey by producing innovative fermented drinks based on whey and fruit (or vegetal) juices, and by marketing and distributing them in returnable bottles. Researchers at INRAE in Rennes and Laboratoires Standa developed the drink. The process was then adapted on a pilot scale and the drinks produced by Enilbio in Poligny using whey from the Monts et Terroirs cheese dairy in Vevy (belonging to SODIAAL). The development was accompanied by market and consumer research to assess consumer acceptance of these drinks and the deposit system (Actalia Innovation and Petrel), and by environmental and economic assessments (INRAE) to guide development choices. The new drinks come in several varieties: sparkling with elderflower, apple or grape juices, and non-sparkling with apple/apricot or apple/raspberry fruit juices.

On 7 December 2023, the project partners met together in Poligny with local players, representatives of cheese dairies, the Bourgogne France-Comté Region and fruit juice producers and brewers. They tasted the drinks and appreciated the progress made since the project was launched.

The next stages in popularizing these innovative whey-based drinks are consumer studies in real-life situations for a final assessment of acceptance, and identificationof the most appropriate business models. Environmental, social and economic assessment of the new “whey-based drinks in returnable bottles” value chains will be carried out with a focus on mid-term sustainability at a regional level.

Tasting of drinks prepared as part of the FAIRCHAIN project, Poligny 7 Dec 2023
© Isabelle Grandvaux


Tasting of drinks prepared as part of the FAIRCHAIN project, Poligny 7 Dec 2023




To find out more, follow us on LinkedInFacebook or and on the FAIRCHAIN project website!

Contact : Geneviève Gésan-Guiziou, FAIRCHAIN coordinator

Modification date: 18 January 2024 | Publication date: 18 December 2023 | By: MHFamelart-STLO