Final Event of the FAIRCHAIN project

The FAIRCHAIN project showcases innovative foods at its Final Event

At a major international conference, the FAIRCHAIN project comes to a close with the widespread dissemination of the knowledge and innovative products resulting from these 4 years of innovation-action.

After four years of work on developing competitive intermediate food value chain alternatives, the partners of the FAIRCHAIN project held a Final Event on 14 November 2024, in Bruges BE. The event had two parts which together attracted several dozen participants: a plenary Session at the 38th EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology) International Conference 2024 and a networking forum/tasting event.

The plenary session was led by the FAIRCHAIN coordinator, Geneviève Gésan-Guiziou of INRAE FR. It focused on lessons and achievements from the six Case Studies of the project and speakers also covered co-creation, sustainability assessment, and policy recommendations for establishing intermediate food value chains.

The forum encouraged attendees to connect with project partners and case study leaders - while enjoying new and sustainable drinks, feta cheese, blueberry jam, pickles/vinegars, and chocolate raspberry snacks. Videos of each Case Study were released at the event and can be viewed here.

Visit the FAIRCHAIN website to learn more about the project.

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Contact : Genevieve Gesan-Guiziou