Happy Birthday STLO !

STLO celebrates his 20th birthday!

Come and celebrate 20 years of STLO on Tuesday November 12! We're delighted to invite you to the 20th anniversary of UMR STLO! Whether you're a former staff member or a collaborator, we'd be delighted to welcome you to the UMR premises to celebrate this 20th anniversary!

Whether you've spent 3 months, 3 or 30 years at STLO, you're welcome! This will be an opportunity to see your former colleagues and get to know the current teams. After a page of history retracing the life of STLO over the last 20 years (which is sure to bring back many memories!), the teams will introduce you to their current research topics and show you around the facilities and laboratories.


The afternoon will close with a cocktail reception.

Registration is free but mandatory.

So don't hesitate to sign up before October 11!

 To register, it's here !

Modification date: 24 July 2024 | Publication date: 24 July 2024 | By: STLO