Journées Francophones de Nutrition

STLO at the "Journées Francophones de Nutrition"

The Journées Francophones de Nutrition 2024, organized by the SFN (Société Française de Nutrition) and the SFNCM (Société Francophone de Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme) took place from December 4 to 6, 2024 in Strasbourg. Every year, this event brings together the various players in the field of nutrition: researchers, nutritionists, doctors and manufacturers. This year, over 2,000 people gathered at the Palais des Congres to discuss nutrition at all stages of life, in relation to health, safety, behavior and dietary transition.

Several STLO members were present at the event and presented their recent works on nutrition:

STLO members present at the "Journées Francophones de Nutrition"

Sergine Even (Microbio Team) was invited to give an oral presentation on: “Microbial component of infant formulas: how to mimic the microbiota of mother's milk?”, as part of one of the Société Française de Nutrition symposia, led by Amélie Deglaire (BN Team) and Julie Rebeuh on ‘Latest advances in infant formula optimization’.

Tanguy Saviard, Mathilde Cancalon and Sarah Blanchet presented the results of their doctoral and post-doctoral studies in the form of commented posters:

  • « Les métabolites du lait maternel modulent les fonctions immune et barrière ainsi que le microbiote intestinal : étude in vivo chez le porcelet Yucatan », Blanchet S et al., 2024 / “Breast milk metabolites modulate immune and barrier functions as well as intestinal microbiota: an in vivo study in Yucatan piglets”
  • « Intégration de corps lipidiques d’origine animale et végétale dans des préparations de suite : impact sur la structure des lipides et leur digestibilité in vitro », Cancalon M et al., 2024 / Integration of lipid bodies of animal and plant origin in follow-on preparations: impact on lipid structure and digestibility in vitro”
  • « Digestion in vitro dynamique de laits et yaourts de chèvre et de vache », Saviard T et al., 2024.


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