Kick-off meeting of the ANR projet Veg&Lait

Start of the ANR project Veg&Lait

On May 29, 2024, the kick-off meeting for the Veg&Lait ANR project, led by STLO, was held. Veg&Lait's ambition is to combine legumes and milk, on farms and on plates, for a more sustainable diet. The 4-year Veg&Lait project is coordinated by Fanny Guyomarc'h, Research Engineer at STLO (PSF team), and involves 9 partners.

Veg&Lait logo
© É. Beaumont

For dairy farms and processors, the introduction of legumes represents a lever for resilience in the face of societal and climatic change. The VEG&LAIT project will contribute to the France 2030 plan's commitment to a healthy, sustainable food system, by proposing a virtuous combination of milk and legumes, from farm to spoon. This new industry will draw on the local roots and diversification capabilities of its partners. VEG&LAIT has been accredited by the VALORIAL competitiveness cluster.

Visit to a Veg&Lait partner's farm
© F. Guyomarc'H
Visit the farm of Veg&Lait's partner “Invitation à la Ferme”.

Find all Veg&Lait partners:

This project has benefited from a French government grant managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the France 2030 program, reference ANR-23-PLEG-0006.
Logo France 2030

Modification date: 11 June 2024 | Publication date: 04 June 2024 | By: STLO