Science and Technology of milk and eggs

STLO - Science and Technology of milk and eggs

Milk and eggs are universal foods. They have in common a complete composition and an extreme richness in proteins of high nutritional value, in lipids, in minerals, carbohydrates and in vitamins... and are far from being perfectly known!

Logo Veg&Lait

25 February 2025

By: STLO - F. Guyomarc'H

VEG&LAIT mobilizes on participating farms!

Blandine Renault and Maïté de Sainte-Agathe, PhD students at UMR Agronomie, and Gabrielle Jagorel, contract research engineer at UMR STLO, joined the VEG&LAIT project consortium in September 2024. They are working respectively on the integration of pulses into dairy production systems, and on the use of flours or concentrates from such crops in innovative recipes. Over the past few months, they have been able to take part in training courses and workshops on the Invitation à la Ferme network farms involved in the project.
Ongoing recruitment

A researcher position is open in our STLO unit! You are passionate about bacteria-bacteria and bacteria-host interactions, involved in the design of good and healthy foods? So, join us!

Milk powder that falls onto a surface

The ANR BIFORES project, coordinated by Sergine Even, Research Director in the Microbiology team at STLO, has just got underway! This multi-disciplinary project aims to rethink infant formula production by combining fermentation and “minimal processing” to simultaneously meet the challenges of health, safety and sustainability of these products.

Poster presenting the Doctorama of STLO, 2025 edition

The Doctorama is an event “made in STLO”, during which second-year PhD students present their thesis to the whole laboratory, in a humorous way. Join us on Thursday, January 9, 2025, in the Moule amphitheater, to see our young scientists in action!

Recent Results

Several glass jars of “Yalup” yogurts

16 January 2025

By: Fanny Guyomarc'h

Spotlight on fermented milk-lupin mixes!

In an article published by The Conversation and on INRAE's institutional website, Valérie Gagnaire, Research Director (Microbio Team), talks about the results of Fanny Canon's PhD and the avenues this work has opened up for STLO in the design of yogurt substitutes based on milk and legumes.
Carottes lactofermentées

09 January 2025


Do you know fermented vegetables ?

Fermented vegetables, traditional in Asia and Eastern Europe, are booming in Western countries. They are made using a simple process consisting of incubating cut and salted raw vegetables, packed in jars in their juice or in brine, at room temperature. Fermented vegetable, apart sauerkraut, are mainly produced on a domestic and artisanal scale by spontaneous fermentation, which raises questions about their health safety.
Gut cells and propionibacteria

19 November 2024


The cheese-born probiotic bacterium Propionibacterium freudenreichii strengthens the intestinal epithelial barrier

The increasing incidence of diseases involving inflammation and increased intestinal permeability makes the search for protective functional foods more crucial than ever. Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a beneficial bacterium isolated from cheese, used in dairy and probiotic applications. Some strains have proven anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and in vivo. This protective effect was further clarified in vivo where the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier was preserved, when subjected to inflammatory stress.

22 November 2024

By: stlo

How to share environmental impacts between milk-derived coproducts?

Food is a significant contributor to humans’ environmental impacts and appropriate metrics to quantify them is essential to take and follow mitigation actions. Industrial processing accounts for less than 5% of the overall impacts of food systems but is central to sustainability. While agricultural production of commodities like milk generates over 75% of the food’s environmental impacts, processing prevents food waste and food spoilage to the expense of energy and water resources. However, industrial processes often involve separation of the commodity into coproducts, among which these environmental impacts must be shared.

15 April 2024

By: stlo

Cheese products formulated especially for seniors

The objective of our research was to design foods that fit the nutritional and sensory needs of senior citizens to help keep them in good health and fend off risks like sarcopenia (muscle wasting) and osteoporosis. We also had a wider goal to help them keep enjoying meals, as with advancing age, fading oral health can make adequate food intake difficult or even painful.

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